The five best design links, every weekday

Category: Emojis

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Emoji history: the missing years

During my research into vintage Japanese drawing software, I came across some devices that had built in sketch or handwritten memo functions.

Emoji Kitchen

Ok, if you haven’t seen this before (or even if you have), I need to warn you that Emoji Kitchen is just a little bit addict

Microsoft open sourcing Fluent Emoji

Microsoft is making its Fluent Emoji available on Figma and GitHub.

Noto Emoji font

What is black and white and read all over? Presenting the monochrome Noto Emoji font.

The struggle of using native emoji on the web

You might be forgiven for thinking that, in 2022, it’s possible to plop an emoji on a web page and have it “just work”.

Emoji Frequency

'Unicode Unwrapped' just dropped and the most used emojis of the year are now visualized on this Frequency page.

Emoji to Scale

Your favorite emojis. To scale (more or less).


Combine two emojis into one. Thousands of combinations are available.

What happened when I stopped using Emojis

When was the last time you went a day without using any emoji? How about a week? I went through a fun self-imposed experiment: no emoji for 2 weeks.

Emotionality at work

Why we refreshed our 1800+ emoji to support the new landscape of work.

Bear plus snowflake equals polar bear

Quick, how many bytes make up the following line? No tricks, I promise.

Emoji b4 emoji

Tens of millions of broadsides were printed from the very earliest days of printing.

Designing the Ada Lovelace hashflag emoji

On Ada Lovelace Day we celebrate the work of women in STEM. Jenny Brennan writes about how she designed a hashflag for the occasion.

These new emojis perfectly sum up this dumpster fire of a year

[Insert sob emoji here.]

Unicode got a proposal for a kneeling-in-protest emoji two years ago

Kneeling is more complicated than you’d think.

'Stressed AF': These new emoji perfectly sum up our new reality

For anyone who needs a salty way to express their current struggles.

Talk to Me: The Evolution of Emoji

Feature Gifs, memes, and emoji have quickly become a lingua franca. But what do they say about our collective need to be heard?

Emoji get redesigned for COVID-19

Empty toilet paper rolls and a 'closed' sign.

Emojis as Favicons

Lea Verou had a dang genius idea to use an emoji as a favicon.

This designer created emoji that represent the beauty of African culture

O’Plérou Grebet designed one new emoji every day for a year. They communicate the dynamism of his West African heritage.